Amanda and I bought our first house together, here in Lancaster city, just over a year ago. This season we were eager to spruce up our backyard and use the space to do some urban gardening (if it qualifies as that—it’s an unusually large yard for a city property).

Here are some photos of the color that has emerged and that we’re enjoying today.

Asiatic Dayflower
Asiatic Dayflower, officially dismissed as an invasive weed
Asiatic Dayflower flower
The entire flower of the Asiatic Dayflower is just larger than my thumbnail
Asiatic Dayflower plant
As a plant, the Asiatic Dayflower reaches one to three feet in height
blue wildflower
A beautiful blue wildflower
orange chrysanthemum
An orange chrysanthemum
orange chrysanthemum bloom
The orange boom of a chrysanthemum
chrysanthemum with orange petals
Orange petals on a chrysanthemum
yellow chrysanthemum
A yellow chrysanthemum
white wildflower
A delicate white wildflower
tiny white wildflower
Tiny white wildflower
backyard wildflower
Another wildflower from our backyard flower bed
yellow summer squash
Yellow summer squash growing quickly

Thanks for allowing me to share some of the natural beauty of our Lancaster backyard!

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