Traditionalists want to slow things down and keep to the old ways of doing things.

Modernists want to progress into the future in more or less the same way we’re moving now, only faster.

Cultural Creatives want to move forward, but in new ways that honor people and the planet in just and sustainable ways.

This is a blog for and about Cultural Creatives in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

We’re tired of Bill O’Reilly versus Keith Olbermann, The Weekly Standard versus NPR, the New Era editorial board versus Gil Smart. And we would sooner remove our brains than be “moderates” somewhere between those extremes. We’re looking for—and enacting—new, better ways of doing things.

I’m Daniel Klotz, and this is my blog about Lancaster County, PA, and the things that make it an interesting place

Daniel Klotz is a Lancaster County bloggerWhat makes Lancaster especially interesting to me is its blend of a fast-changing culture and a strong historical heritage. So, I write a lot about:


I live with my wife in downtown Lancaster, PA, and I work as a freelance search marketing and web analytics consultant.

My professional interests lie in helping institutions, particularly colleges and SMEs pursuing significant growth, use social media strategically to tell their story, mobilize their audiences, learn about new opportunities, and provide better service.

With my beautiful wife Amanda
With my beautiful wife Amanda

I cofounded the The Lancast, a Lancaster-focused podcast, with David Moulton. I also dedicated extensive time to the greening of Lancaster city and surrounding communities (as a board member of LIVE Green) and to fueling the city’s arts renaissance (as a founding board member of Creative Works of Lancaster).

More personal interests and activities include writing and reading poetry, camping, gardening, and, yes, guinea pigs. I care about art, civic life and building sustainable local economies.

It should go without saying that the views I express in this blog are always mine alone, and my views should never be construed as the views of any company or organization with which I am affiliated. I write here as a private citizen and as an individual resident of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Permission to use anything I’ve written on this site

Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike 3.0

Because this blog is licensed under a Creative Commons License, you are absolutely and irrevocably free to:

  • Remix — to make derivative works, to use excepts, and to build off what I have written

Under two conditions:

    • Attribution. You must attribute “Daniel Klotz,” as the author (but not in any way that suggests that I endorse you or your use of the work).

      Attribute this work:

  • Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon anything from this blog, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same Creative Commons license or a compatible license.

Either of the above conditions can be waived if you obtain permission directly from me.

You may review the full legal code of the license on the website.

My sincere appreciation goes to wedding photographer Mike Miville for the photo in this blog’s header.